About the Arkansas Beef Council

The Arkansas Beef Council (ABC) is an agency established by the enabling legislation to oversee and administer the beef checkoff program in Arkansas.

The mission of the Arkansas Beef Council is to coordinate and implement a program of promotion, research and market development to enhance the image of beef and improve the potential of Arkansas' cattle industry.

We seek to accomplish this mission through a variety of programs funded by the Beef Checkoff in the areas of promotion, consumer information, research and education.  In addition, we strongly invest in national and international programs focused on driving beef demand in the US and around the world. 

As a Qualified State Beef Council under the Beef Promotion and Research Order (7CFR,Part 1260), the ABC is responsible for collecting the nationally legislated $1 per head checkoff on all cattle, regardless of age or size, marketed in Arkansas and for distributing those funds in accordance with provisions of the Order.  Congress established the national Beef Checkoff Program with the passage of the 1985 Farm Bill. On the national level, the Beef Checkoff Program is overseen by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board.

Fifty cents of each checkoff dollar is sent directly to the Cattlemen’s Beef Board; the remaining money is allocated for state beef promotion efforts by the Arkansas Beef Council. The Council is comprised of seven representatives who are nominated by cattle industry organizations within the state and appointed by the governor of the state of Arkansas.

The ABC is designated as the Qualified State Beef Council for Arkansas under provisions of the Beef Promotion and Research Act.  The Council also maintains affiliation with the Federation of State Beef Councils (a division of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.)