Cattle in Arkansas

Arkansas’ beef producing families work hard every day to deliver high-quality wholesome products to your family’s dinner table.

We hope this can be a resource for you to learn about the product, the family-owned and operated businesses and our carefully developed practices for producing nutritious, safe beef products.

There are over 1.5 million cattle in Arkansas and the farmers and ranchers that care for them also tend the land that supports this dynamic industry. Beef cattle production contributes nearly $500 million to Arkansas’ economy each year, as well as providing employment opportunities in rural communities across the state.

Arkansas Cattle Facts

Total Cattle Inventory in Arkansas (as of Jan. 1, 2024)


Arkansas’ National Ranking in Population of All Cattle (1/1/24)


Number of Cattle Operations (2022 Census)


Number of Farms with Beef Cows


Number of Beef Cows (1/1/24)


Arkansas’ National Ranking in Beef Cows (1/1/24)


Number of Farms with Dairy Cows


Dairy Cattle Inventory (1/1/24)


Cash Receipts from the Sales of Cattle and Calves

$602 Million

Sources: Arkansas Agricultural Statistics, U.S Department of Agriculture; 2024 Cattle Inventory Report, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), 2022 USDA Census of Agriculture